Green Initiative

The school has taken significant steps to reduce its carbon footprint and to create abundant opportunities for parents and children to realize their goals towards environmental enrichment. Few projects undertaken by the school are:


The school has installed solar panels to generate electricity. This has made the school self-sufficient in its energy requirements, and now it is no longer dependent on BSES for its electricity. Our students also conscientiously switch off all electrical appliances when not in use.


There are rainwater harvesting pits in campus that have helped in increasing the water table of the region. Taking a step further in our attempt to conserve water the drain water is reused in the garden.


BBIS always strives to make the students sensitive and aware towards environment. Therefore our recreational lawn areas, gardens, trees, and other flora reflect a commitment to provide students, staff, and the neighbourhood with attractive, aesthetic, and nurturing green space. Such spaces can also be used to provide enriched academic, social, and emotional learning opportunities.