Healthy India Week

“Health is the biggest wealth”

A healthy mind and body makes a healthy soul which works best for self as well as the entire society. Healthy eating and living habits lead to a successful life and a content mind.

The young minds of Class 2 at BBIS cherished the God’s gift of a healthy mind, body and soul by celebrating a “Healthy India Week”, where they gained knowledge of healthy eating habits, personal hygiene and a healthy routine.

Day 1: The students added to their awareness on personal hygiene through discussions and a PPT on the same.

Day 2: The students made a collage on Healthy food and Junk food in the form of characters of Chota bheem (for healthy food) and Kalia (for junk food).

Day 3: The students were taken for a nature walk where they learned about the different ways of disposing dry waste and wet waste, the emphasis being on the use of Green garbage cans and Blue garbage cans.

Day 4: The students were made aware of the good habits and the value of having a healthy routine through discussion and PPT.

Day 5:  The excitement roared to heights when the week-long celebration of awareness and knowledge was culminated with the presentation of ‘Flameless cooking’, making some mouth watering and delectable recipes.

The students had a plethora of fun and learning oriented activities while enhancing their knowledge at each step.