International Literacy Day

Literacy, the ability to read and write is the most important skill one should learn.

The 8th of September was proclaimed as International Literacy Day by UNESCO. On the occasion of International Literacy Day, it is the day to spread awareness about importance of being literate as a matter of dignity and human right. The commemoration of the day started with a special assembly, giving emphasis on education as a foundation stone to build a more sustainable future for all. The theme for the year, “Literacy for a human-centred recovery: Narrowing the digital divide” was advocated through various modes and means.  “Students of class II celebrated this day in a novel way. They provided stationary to the impoverished children and pledged to educate more and more people so that the world can begin its journey towards a better tomorrow.

Let us all spread the message of importance of literacy amongst each and every human of the world.