National Mathematics Day

The birth Anniversary of Mathematical Genius, Srinivasa Ramanujan marked as National Mathematics Day was celebrated virtually. A special assembly was conducted as a tribute to the Man who knew Infinity. Students of the school were sensitized about his life and work through PPT, Video Presentation and Speech. There also were poems recital and skit on importance and use of math in daily life. The subject teachers also inspired and motivated the students to overcome the anxiety for the subject. The assembly was followed by class room activities where math magic square and magic calendar games were shown and explained to the students. Art Integrated activities were also there; students of class III and IV learnt how to draw various animals from numbers and then those animals were converted into stick puppets and were also placed in jungle scene. Students of class V did food craft with shapes.  Thus, the students of primary and middle classes entered ‘Maths Ki Duniya’ for an amazing experience of having fun with numbers.