The student should follow the mentioned guidelines while dealing with their fellow-students, teachers, parents and school or school’s property.
Students must not indulge in the following activities:
Being absent without information
Damaging school property
Bunking school/class
Use of violence (in any form)
Practising casteism/communalism or untouchability
Bringing valuables/ electronic gadgets to school
Leaving school premises without permission
Spitting in or near the school building
Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property
Any form of gambling
Rowdyism and rude behavior
Getting Chewing gum, fizzy drinks, correction fluids, any item which are illegal to possess or carry, or inappropriate for the age of the child or the school environment
Students must adhere to the following:
Attend morning assembly
Bring the school almanac daily
Transit between classes, library, practical labs, sports field and other activity rooms should be in a proper line maintaining absolute silence.
Students are expected to speak only in English during school hours.
Meeting with teachers : PTM’s are held regularly in the school. It is compulsory for the parents to attend all scheduled PTMs to know their ward’s progress. Direct contact with the teacher is forbidden. However, appointments formality must be made through the office only.
In case the parents would like to consult the coordinator, they can visit the school on Second Saturday between 9am to 12noon.