Education is a synthesis of economic, social, spiritual and moral values, meant to develop both the child and society to higher levels of happiness and cultural coherence. We at BBIS intend to become a premier urban school of education recognized for its diversity and known for excellence in teaching, learning and research. We support a learning environment that continuously motivates all students to excel in all domains, We, as educators are dedicated to inspire children to achieve the very highest standards in all their endeavours as they progress their journey. We strive to make every dream a reality. Our teachings and activities emphasise on holistic development which is congruent with our purpose and values. We continue our ascent towards success by working forever. Accepting as true, Henry Ford’s words: “Life begins with one step outside of your comfort zone,” the School aspires to create a symphony in the hearts of its young pupils, such that it emanates pure music and propels them to the venerate position that is the beginning of a sublime dream .The School motto ‘Goodness before greatness’ is deeply embedded in the hearts of our students as they move ahead to win more accolades.