
Class IX to XII

The pedagogical approach for grades senior and senior secondary students should focus on student engagement, critical thinking, and collaboration while preparing learners for future academic and career pathways.

Effective Teaching Strategies:

* Project/research based learning
* Socratic method
* Technological integration
* Social emotional learning

Assessment Techniques:

* Formative assessment
* Summative assessment
* Peer assessment
* Self-assessment/performance-based assessment
* Portfolios

Curriculum Components: For IX and X

English Language and Literature
Hindi Course B
Social Science
Maths –Standard/Basic

Curriculum Components: For XI and XII

Science—PCM, PCB

  • Science: English, mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Economics/Computer Science.

  • Commerce: English, Mathematics/Informatics Practices. Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies

  • The Syllabus is in accordance with CBSE guidelines.

  • The school offers Science and Commerce stream in classes XI. After careful career counseling, aptitude tests and C.G.P.A in class X, various combinations of subjects are offered to students to enable them to pursue a career of their choice later in life.

  • Students are prepared regularly for CBSE exams by concentrating on the prescribed CBSE syllabus, assignment booklets and monitoring programmes.

  • To enhance the knowledge of students and to have a practical approach to subjects, students have access to the library and laboratories.

  • Opportunities are provided at every level to the students for the exercise of their reflective powers, artistic abilities and practical work. Education in our school is life-centric as well as child-centric. The school curriculum is challenging, exploratory, integrative and relevant.